Nuclear Genie Is Out of the Bottle,
and It's
America's Fault
by Pastor
Paul J. Bern
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On July
1945, the 'Trinity' nuclear test – the first-ever nuclear
bomb – was detonated in New Mexico, at the Alamogordo Test Range,
plunging humanity into the Atomic Age. Less than a month later, the
first nuclear bomb ever used in wartime was dropped on Hiroshima,
Japan, and a second one was dropped on Nagasaki less than two weeks
after that. In the first blast at Hiroshima, well over 100,000 people
were instantly vaporized in the initial explosion, and the death toll
at Nagasaki was tens of thousands higher. Over the following month or
so, over a million more individuals died from the aftereffects of
radiation poisoning. But, what is generally not known – especially
here in America with its propaganda machine otherwise known as our
“free press” – is that the US use of nuclear weapons against
Japan at the end of World War 2 was unnecessary. Let's not forget
that the winners of wars are the ones who write the history books,
and the US is no exception. The fact of the matter is that by the
summer of 1945, Japan had already been bombed back to the stone age.
In point of fact, Japan was already attempting to start negotiating
for peace. But the Japanese wanted to do it secretly, so as to not
alarm the Japanese people (sound familiar?), and US military leaders
wanted the announcement to be public. And so the die was cast, and
the rest is history.
In the late 1940's
Russia's leader and dictator Josef Stalin acquired an atomic weapon
through quite a lot of espionage and outright theft, much to the
discredit of America's “intelligence” community. As a response,
the US supplied England and France with the technology and experience
needed to build a few bombs of their own. By this time it was the
1950's, and within just a few years Communist China similarly
developed their first atomic weapons. By the 1960's, other countries
such as Israel, India and Pakistan had nukes as well. The genie was
out of the bottle, and there was no putting it back. It was too late.
Fast forward to the present day and we find America's latest nuclear
adversary to be North Korea, who just tested their first
nuclear-capable ICBM. And it all started with one nuclear test in the
New Mexico desert in 1945. I have been studying up on this as of
late, knowing that we are living in the End Times, and that the world
as we have known it is drawing rapidly to a close. The first verse I
have found that corresponds to these times and the accompanying
nuclear proliferation can be found in the book of Daniel in the Old
Testament, chapter 7 and verse 7, which reads as follows: “After
that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a
fourth beast – terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had
large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled
underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former
beasts, and it had ten horns.”
put this into context, Daniel had a vision in chapter seven where he
saw four “beasts” come up out of the sea. The sea in Bible
prophecy usually always symbolizes all the peoples of the world –
that is, humanity more so than nations. The first “beast” was
like a lion, but it had eagle's wings. What country uses a lion as
its symbol? Great Britain. The eagle's wings, then, represent
America, whose symbol is an eagle, and who is an offshoot of the
former British Empire. OK, so what's the second one, you ask? The
second beast Daniel saw in his vision looked like a bear. What
country uses a bear as its national symbol? Russia. And Daniel's
third beast looked like a leopard, which symbolizes Germany. The
fourth beast which is unlike all the rest could only be the United
States, since it has the most powerful military force in human
history. But what do the ten horns represent? Could they be nuclear
powers? To find the answer to this question let's go to the Book of
Revelation chapter 18.
first 3 verses read as follows: “After this I saw another
angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth
was illuminated by his splendor. With a mighty voice he shouted,
'Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for
demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean
and detestable bird. For all the nations have drunk the maddening
wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery
with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive
luxuries.'” Who or what is
“Babylon the Great”? Some say it was the Roman Empire, still
others the Ottoman Empire since it was intertwined with Islam, still
others say it's the Vatican, and I even saw a video on You Tube a
while back that suggested it represents the British Monarchy (I took
that one with a grain of salt). But upon closer imagination we find
the answer further down in the Scriptures, and I quote: “For
her sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes.
Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she
has done. Mix her a double portion of her own cup. Give her as much
torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself.”
we're narrowing it down by a good bit! Could this be Hitler's
Germany, Stalin's Russia, or Mao's China? Or maybe the Kim family of
North Korea? One thing is certain, whoever or whatever this
represents is a really bad actor on the world stage. Also, since the
Book of Revelation was written in (approximately) 90 A.D., these
words were meant for a people or a country from far into the distant
future. You know, like about 2,000 years give or take? Let's move on
to the next verses to find out for sure. “In her heart
she boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never
mourn.' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death,
mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the
Lord God who judges her. When the kings of the earth who committed
adultery with her and shared in her luxury see the smoke of her
burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment,
they will stand far off and cry, 'Woe! Woe, oh great city, O Babylon,
city of power! In one hour your doom has come!'”
(Revelation 18, verses 5-10)
use of the pronoun 'her' suggests that the apostle John was referring
to a country, not a person. Moreover, death, mourning and famine
symbolize waging war. Isn't that what America has been doing for most
of the last 75 years, since the end of world war two? This passage of
scripture implies that everything the US has done overseas for the
last 75 years is going to come back around and bite us in our
backsides, and at the worst possible moment. To top it all off, all
this will happen in a single day. Now let's ask ourselves, couldn't
this be some other country besides the US? Don't we call ourselves,
'the land of the free and the home of the brave'? America is, among
other things, a bastion of democracy throughout the whole planet. So
why does our text read, “Therefore in one day her plagues
will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed
by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her”?
There are many who would argue that the USA is not guilty of any such
isn't it/she? Since 1950 the US military has slaughtered a combined
total of 2.5 million innocent civilians while it waged its wars
overseas. This parade of victims came from a wide variety of
countries and their inhabitants, such as (from the oldest to the most
recent) North Korea during the Korean war, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
Panama, the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya, and Syria
has yet to be stabilized. This does not count all the 'black ops'
that have been happening for decades on a regular, consistent basis
which have killed untold hundreds of thousand more. Naturally, the
Lame Stream Media isn't permitted to talk about this here in the US
because their paymasters, the elite 1%, won't allow it. America
cannot continue to do these things with impunity indefinitely! What
goes around comes around, and it's about to be America's turn. Not
because it's what I think – never mind that – it's what's in the
Bible, which is the Divinely inspired Word of God! But look what
Revelation tells us next: “
will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her.”
What kind of fire will this be? We only need to look down one more
verse: “When the kings of the earth who committed
adultery with her and shared in her luxury see the smoke of her
burning, they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment,
they will stand far off and cry, 'Woe! Woe, oh great city, O Babylon,
city of power! In one hour your doom has come!”
In one hour, wait a minute, is that right? That would be one
monstrosity of a fire! The only thing we have today that resembles
this scenario is a nuclear attack, and that in point of fact is
America's ultimate fate. The USA is going to get nuked!! Where is
this “city of power” located? Nobody knows for sure – so beware
of those who claim to know – but if the Great Babylon is the
United States it fits perfectly with this part of Revelation 18. The
“great city” is likely either New York or Washington, the 'cities
of power' contained in this example of Biblical prophecy. It is also
written in Psalms 46: 9, “He makes wars cease to the ends
of the earth, he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the
shields with fire.” This is
what the prophet King David said would happen to all forms of warfare
in the End Times we live in. This is why America stands judged,
because of her incessant warfare!
According to a 2016
report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
(SIPRI), nine nations — the United
States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan,
Israel and North Korea — possess approximately 16,300
nuclear weapons in total. This is an obscenity because it's enough
atomic power to blow up every city on the planet several hundred
times over. But it's even more than an obscenity, it is utter madness
and insanity to even consider creating such destruction and loss of
life! But still, that's only nine countries that have nukes, so who's
the tenth one, the one that completes the symbolism of Daniel's ten
horns that he saw on the fourth beast? It has got to be Iran, there
is no other explanation that I can think of, at least for now. No
other country is as close to developing a bomb as Iran, everybody
knows that. But this is a prophecy that has yet to come to pass.
But you can all be
sure that this will be happening in the near future, no doubt about
it! And once it does, Daniel's prophecy about the beast with the ten
horns will be fulfilled. Since the British Empire and two world wars
that were initiated in part by Germany have come and gone, this is
the only part of this prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled. Once
that happens, once Iran gets its hands on its first nuclear weapon –
which is only a matter of time – the prophecy will be fulfilled and
the stage will be set for world war three, which will be a brief but
exceptionally deadly nuclear exchange (more on that in a separate
message later). If it involves Iran and Israel as I suspect, then
surely America and Russian will become involved sooner or later. And
that's when world war three will really get started. It's all getting
very close now. Prepare yourselves accordingly if you have not yet
done so. We are just about out of time. Watch out and pray