Care Of One Another – More Than Just a Nice Idea
Rev. Paul J. Bern
goes without saying that we are now living in a world which seems to
be imploding on itself. As I write this, over five million middle
class American jobs have been exported overseas by US multinational
corporations, and they are never coming back. As a result, we have
well over 20 million Americans who are either unemployed or who are
working part-time when full-time work is needed. An increasing number
of these workers are juggling 2 or 3 part-time jobs just to make ends
meet. The US government's official unemployment rate, according to
the mainstream news media, is said to be around 5.5 percent as I
write this. This is a complete joke to those persons like myself who
have been following current events, because those workers who have
used up their unemployment benefits and who have been out of work for
more than the maximum of 99 weeks are no longer being counted. Also
not being counted are so-called “discouraged” workers who have
dropped out of the job market and are sharing living quarters with
immediate family. Without this family safety net in place, people
usually wind up homeless through no fault of their own sooner or
later. I know this to be true because I was one of those unfortunate
individuals a few years back. Despite my best efforts to find
full-time work in my field, which was computer/IT, I could only find
temporary jobs of short-term duration. I spent roughly a third of my
time searching for more work. By the time I finally wound up homeless
my health soon simply collapsed and I wound up taking early
retirement. I have learned the hard way that being homeless and on
the street with no transportation or income permanently damages
people. It breaks the spirit, it wounds the soul, and it fractures
the mind in ways that most people can't even imagine. The one
positive thing about my homelessness is that it brought me closer to
Christ, just like Jesus said: “Foxes have holes and birds of the
air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
(Matt. Chapter 8, verse 20 NIV)
evaporation of these millions of US jobs is having severe
repercussions for the overwhelming majority of Americans. There were
about 5 million foreclosures in the US by the end of 2012, and about
3 million more since then. Cars and trucks are being repossessed at
record rates, and an increasingly larger number of college graduates
who cannot find jobs are defaulting on their student loans. Record
numbers of these unemployed college graduates, some of them in their
30's and 40's, are moving back in with parents or siblings due to
their being victims of foreclosures or evictions. They simply have no
where else to go. All the rest, the multitudes of disillusioned,
disenchanted and disenfranchised US workers who lost their jobs and
careers, their housing and their transportation wind up in homeless
shelters or sleeping under bridges. The more fortunate ones in this
group of people that capitalism has discarded still have their
vehicles, so that's where they sleep. Yet if we study the four
Gospels, we find that it was to this very group of poor people that
Jesus gravitated towards the most. Houses of worship and charities
are supposed to be helping these most unfortunate people, but too
many of them use their '501c3' tax status to remain tax-exempt, and
so they can get grants from the government. Who are they worshiping
first, Jesus or the IRS? Jesus prophesied against these kinds of
organizations in Matthew chapter 23, verse 23 when He said, “Woe
to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a
tenth of your spices – mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected
the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy and
faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter without neglecting
the former.”
we are living in these last days before Christ's return, we would do
well to emulate Jesus in this regard – His compassion and
unconditional love for us all. It used to be that when I encountered
a homeless person asking for money, I would walk on by them without
saying a word. Having since experienced homelessness myself for a few
months, I find that I can no longer walk on by without stopping and
witnessing to them about Christ, and how He has brought me all the
way back from the brink of oblivion. As I talk to them I inquire of
the Spirit whether I should help them or not. Usually I give them
whatever spare change I have. Occasionally I buy them a burger and
fries, particularly if they are in really bad shape or when the Holy
Spirit encourages me to do so. It's just that being a follower of
Christ has filled me with compassion, and I allow His peace to
overshadow any anxiety I may have about whether the homeless
strangers I encounter pose any threat to me, or if I can afford to
buy them lunch or not. Jesus always comes first with me, others
second and myself third. That's what it takes to be a true follower
of Christ. We are to emulate His example of unconditional love for us
by showing that same love for others. And as hard times continue to
get harder and meaner, an increasing number of folks from all
backgrounds find themselves emulating Christ in one way or another
whether they realize it or not.
a rapidly growing population of long-term unemployed begins to
congregate regularly at shelters, churches, soup kitchens and food
banks, a good number of them volunteer in order to help give back
what these charities have given them. In so doing they are finding
themselves interconnected in ways that they may not have been
previously. It is one thing to be connected on Facebook or Twitter,
but being in groups of people having direct contact with others is
another thing altogether. The exponential growth of the Internet,
along with computer and information technology, has an increasing
number of us spending more time in front of our computers and flat
screen TV's than we do with other people. Of course, that is only
counting the people who still have the means of acquiring the
trappings of being solidly middle class. As I write this, an
increasing majority of unemployed American workers are putting these
items into storage or dumping them at pawn shops in a desperate
attempt to get some money in their pockets.
do we do to solve this dilemma? What are we going to do with all
these displaced workers who desperately want to restart their careers
and their incomes, but can find no way of doing so due to a complete
lack of opportunity that is beyond their control? First, we have to
come to the realization that our economic system is broken and in
need of replacement. Not just fixing it, mind you, I'm talking about
starting all over again on a clean sheet of paper. For some detailed
commentary on this subject, you may order a copy of my first book,
Middle and Working Class Manifesto”.
now all I will say is that the entire concept of profit and its
benefits needs to be reexamined. When we have literally trillions of
dollars in liquid wealth or assets of one kind or another in the
hands of so few people, any claims of democratic government by this
tiny but extraordinarily powerful group of people becomes completely
ludicrous. We have been stuck in worn-out concepts of representative
democracy that worked much better when the population of the earth
was far lower than it is today, which has caused us to believe that
it’s by getting the government to do things for us that we
progress. The Internet and information technology have made these
concepts obsolete. If we can interconnect directly with one another,
then who needs big government? Big government clearly creates more
problems than it solves in the 21st
century. And I think that we’ve reached the point now where we’re
stuck with a whole lot of antiquated concepts, so that when Michael
Moore speaks about the relatively small number of people who make all
this money while so many other people don’t, it sounds as if we’re
struggling for equality with them. We don't want equality with the
rich, we want equality equally for everybody. Who wants to be equal
to the rich? Who wants to imitate people who hoard billions while
formerly middle class people are living in vehicles, shelters, and in
cardboard boxes under bridges? I think we have to be thinking much
more profoundly than mere capitalism and the empty acquisition of
material wealth for its own sake that accompanies it. The earth's
population has become so great that we would all be far better served
by spending our time helping others instead of helping ourselves. The
needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few.
if you go back to what Marx said in The Communist Manifesto over 150
years ago (and I'm no fan of Karl Marx, OK?), when talking about the
constant revolutions in technology, he ended his explanation by
saying, “All
that is sacred is profaned, all that is solid melts into air, and men
and women are forced to face with sober senses our conditions of life
and our relations with our kind.”
We’re at that sort of turning point in human history right now. And
I think that, talking about recovery, talking about democracy, we too
easily get sucked into out-of-date notions of what we want. So I'm
expecting massive civil unrest in the near future. I don’t mind
protests, in fact I encourage them at times. But what happened in
2001 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 2011 in Egypt, Libya, Algeria,
Tunisia, and England, plus the ongoing civil wars in Syria, Yemen,
and Somalia, that is when people have gathered to say another world
is necessary, another world is possible, and that we're all longing
for something better. It's already started here in the US with the
Occupy Wall St. and the “We are the 99%” Movements. These
movements are the new civil rights marches of the 21st
century by Americans who are becoming aware that our governmental –
and particularly our economic – systems are broken. In Detroit, for
example, – or what is left of it – people are beginning to say
the only way to survive is by taking care of one another. This could
easily happen in your city or town too.
are collectively arriving at the conclusion that greed is bad and
that excess profit always equals equally excessive greed. Human
progress, on the other hand, depends on pursuing goals collectively
for all our mutual benefit. In so doing we are evolving as human
beings. Jesus commanded us all to “love your neighbor as yourself”
and to “love your enemies”. Natural disasters tend to draw people
together, with volunteers flooding into the hardest-hit areas where
the need is greatest. The current economic instability we are
experiencing is turning out much the same way. More people are
volunteering to help the poor and the less fortunate, which now
includes much of the former US middle class. So in closing I would
encourage each of you to find something or someone that needs help
and go and find out what you can do to help. By the same token, if
you are in dire straits, take heart and do not be afraid. Your
guardian angel and Jesus himself are right there with you. You are
not alone. “Be of good cheer,” said our Lord. “I have
overcome the world”. This means Jesus hasn't just mastered your
situation, it means He has overcome all the bad luck on the entire
planet, including yours. Remember, if you are in need of help, there
is no shame in asking for it. And, if you don't need help, there is
no shame in showing it. So show it by helping someone else, even a
total stranger. God is watching you and you will be rewarded.