Would Jesus Protest?
Rev. Paul J. Bern
started in the Spring of 2011 as most age-defining movements do, with
significant unrest and some recognition of what is right and wrong.
It started with some people willing to take a stand against rampant
injustice. Before long, some more people join. Next time we look it
is in another city, then another country. Sweeping across the globe,
the civil unrest known by a number of names, such as the Arab Spring,
Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous or “we are the 99%” continues to
capture the attention of everyone, despite the attempts of the
military-industrial complex and their media conglomeration to slander
it, discredit it, and lie about it. It is in that same revolutionary
spirit that those who are protesting day and night in Ferguson Mo.
and simultaneously around the world are on the evening news every
now everyone realizes that there is a “la
cosa nostra”
of ultra-powerful people (sometimes called the Illuminati) that
control the vast majority of wealth in this world, beginning with the
US and Europe. They have spoon-fed us American Idol, pro wrestling
and other sports, reality TV, idiotic soap operas, and Dancing With
the Stars while sneaking around behind our backs tampering with our
voting rights, stealing elections, repealing sensible regulations
designed to protect us, and enacting laws totally in favor of the
rich – and all this occurred as the 1% shipped all our jobs
overseas for pennies on the dollar. I know this to be true because it
happened to me. There can be no question that their goal is the
redistribution of wealth and consolidation of power to the 1% elite
while squeezing the once proud middle class into the new working poor
caste. You can already hear the screams of "class warfare!"
The problem is we didn't start the war, they did. The same ones
screaming “class warfare” the loudest are the ones who are waging
the war.
when the Arab Spring, Occupy, 'the 99%', Anonymous and Ferguson
Movements first started, the power elite underestimated the intensity
and dogged determination of the protesters to make their voices
heard. They couldn't possibly fathom America's outrage. In their
arrogance, they simply didn't comprehend that people had caught on to
the illegal Ponzi schemes, crooked midnight deals and winner-take-all
financial piracy of the money-worshiping top 1%. That's because our
children have been going to the same 'dumbed down' public schools for
the last generation or two. But since OWS, “the 99%” and Ferguson
have gone viral in the social and political fabric of America, the 1%
have begun frantically looking for ways to neutralize this latest
movement, but they are already too late. So the next thing they did
was to criminalize it, orchestrating mass arrests for the entire
world to see. They tried to intimidate the protesters and occupiers
by sending in their police squads in full military gear, but that
backfired on them too as it only served to garner more sympathy for
the people's cause. Next up was an attempt to mock the group and
pretend they were somehow uneducated and clueless about why they were
protesting at all. That has backfired as well, as all these
grassroots movements has generated considerable interest, not only
from the general public, but also from some very smart people and
astute observers.
out that OWS, “the 99%” and the folks in Ferguson know exactly
why they are protesting. Not only are the police out of control and
therefore a direct threat to our very lives, people everywhere are
arriving at the same conclusion – correctly, by the way – that it
is financial suicide to go into hock for $100,000 to get a Bachelors
Degree only to be offered jobs that require a paper hat or a $19.95
shirt and tie when they graduate. They become furious when they see
billionaires with golden parachutes getting bailed out while their
parents are getting evicted. They are vehemently opposed to an
economic and educational system that is only available to those who
have enough money to pay. They have already read the 2011 United
Nations Resolution stating that Internet access is a basic human
right (search that), and that denying Web access to anyone due to
their inability to pay is a human rights violation at best, and a
criminal act at worst. They already see capitalism for what it is –
an economy based on greed, plunder and conquest at home and abroad.
They see all the homeless people on the streets while entire
neighborhoods are littered with abandoned, boarded up houses that
represent the shattered dreams of countless families, some of whom
are now living in shelters or with relatives because there is no
where else for them to go. They see all the school teachers, fire
fighters and police officers who continue to get laid off so the
country can have more for the top 1%, and so they can have more money
for pointless foreign wars. They do not think that 1% of the
population should control 99% of the wealth in this country -- and
they are absolutely right. Plus, they are scared half to death of the
police, and justifiably so.
what would Jesus protest? Would Jesus protest merciless treatment of
the neediest people? “Blessed
are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Matthew chapter 5,
verse 7).
Of course, the flip side of that coin is that unmerciful, arrogant
and belligerent people will be shown no mercy by God. Would he oppose
the top 1% who have 99% of our country's wealth? He already has:
Jesus said to his disciples, 'I tell you the truth, it is hard for a
rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is
easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich
man to enter the Kingdom of God” (Matthew chapter 19, verses
Would He stand against bully authority? He sure did and still does.
Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 'So you must obey
[authority] and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they
do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy
loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not
willing to lift a finger to move them'” (Matthew 23, verses 1-4).
Occupy, Anonymous and 99% Movements, and the ongoing protests in
Ferguson, St. Louis and throughout the planet are all about the least
fortunate of us, and it is these very people who want their lives
back. They have lost jobs, careers, homes (some of which had been
paid on monthly for years or even decades), savings, pensions and
even their health. Economic and racial inequality reigns supreme
across our land, and the misery that it has spawned threatens to grow
into revolution in American streets (cue “Revolution” by the
Beatles, “For What It's Worth” by Buffalo Springfield, etc.).
the Bible the number one theme after Christ's salvation is taking
care of the least fortunate in society. Jesus said that if we want to
be considered religious, then we are to look after the welfare of
widows and orphans. “Whatsoever
you do for the very least of my brethren, that you do for me”,
and this nugget of wisdom holds as much meaning today as when those
words were uttered by Jesus 2,000 years ago. The divine truth of
human equality that He illustrated with that verse is something that
has yet to be fulfilled, and it's our fault. Human equality was a
radical notion in the time of Christ, and many churches continue to
leave out of the teaching of this revolutionary aspect of His
ministry. So long as racial and ethnic hatred persist, equality
cannot flourish. It's up to ministers like myself to address this
issue, and I encourage all who read this to join me in my efforts.
am painfully aware that some conservative Christian writers, and a
whole lot of 1%'ers, are apparently in love with the Old Testament
verse that says, “If a man will not work, then neither shall he
eat”, presumably in reference to strikers, protesters and
“occupiers”, but they are forgetting the original context of that
verse: “Even
while we were with you, we gave you this command: "Those
unwilling to work will not get to eat." Yet we hear that some of
you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other
people's business. We command such people and urge them in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own
living. As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get
tired of doing good. Take note of those who refuse to obey what we
say in this letter. Stay away from them so they will be ashamed.
Don't think of them as enemies, but warn them as you would a brother
or sister.” (2Thessalonians 3: 10-15, NLT)
context reveals that these verses do not apply to the OWS/99% or
Ferguson people. On the contrary, the people protesting want some
real justice for Mike Brown, but they also want to work and can't
find jobs, and that is why they are protesting! You may be of the
opinion that the protesters are "lazy" or somehow not
trying hard enough but I have actually been through what these
protesters are experiencing. I know what it's like to see a 22-year
career evaporate, and to not be able to find enough work to sustain
oneself. I know what it's like to wind up homeless through no fault
of my own, and I have personally experienced how homelessness, even
for relatively short periods of time as was in my case, can and will
literally ruin one's health. Like these multitudes of others, I too
can attest to how brutal it is out there. The true unemployment rate
is very likely double or triple what the government is telling us.
The jobs being offered have absurdly low wages that are simply not
enough to live on, come with no health insurance, and are often
temporary or part time.
other truth revealed from the context of these verses, however, is
how we should be acting. The apostle Paul does not say that we should
treat these people with contempt, lie about them, or sneer at them.
He does not say they should only help those who can afford to pay.
Instead, we should be doing for others what we would have them do for
us. We must treat others the way we want to be treated. We must love
our neighbor as ourselves. He says we should treat them not as
enemies but to warn them as if they were a brother or sister. “Though
you offer many prayers, I will not listen, for your hands are covered
with the blood of innocent victims. Wash yourselves and be clean! Get
your sins out of my sight. Give up your evil ways. Learn to do good.
Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight
for the rights of widows. -- Isaiah 1: 15-17 (NLT)
God is saying here is to check your hands before raising them in
praise to Him to see whose blood you have on them. Give up your sins.
Trust Jesus implicitly. Learn to do good. And then what does the Lord
say is doing good? Seeking justice. Helping the oppressed. Defending
the cause and fighting for the rights of the needy. If anyone really
and truly thinks that there is no injustice in our current judicial
system (such as the Ferguson white-wash – oops, I meant to say
'grand jury'), then I would call them heartless and soulless. If you
honestly do not believe that there is oppression for the lowest in
our society today then I advise you to stop watching Fox News and
come on out in the street to join us. There is a real world out here
and it is really hurting.
people at Ferguson, Mo., New York, Chicago, the deep south and the
West Coast want social and economic justice. They want the same thing
God speaks about throughout the entire Bible. They want the same
thing Jesus taught about. Once Christ told a parable about the Good
Samaritan. Most of us know the story. A man is mugged and essentially
left for dead on the street. He is passed over by a Temple priest and
a tax collector. But a Samaritan stopped and helped him, bandaged
him, and paid for him to recover at a nearby inn. But the context of
this parable is the point. Jesus told it because He was asked the
question -- "who is my neighbor?" The Samaritan was chosen
as the hero of this story by Jesus because there was much hatred
towards them by the Jewish people at that time. Who is my neighbor? I
think this is the question we need to ask ourselves every day. We
need to ask it when we hear the hate merchants on TV and radio trying
to stir up our darker side. We need to ask it when we think that we
know the motives of people we never even met. We need to ask it when
we start to use God to defend things He obviously would never defend
(such as waging war). Jesus finishes the Parable of the Good
Samaritan with these words: "Now which of these three would
you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?"
Jesus asked. The man replied, "The one who showed him mercy."
Then Jesus said, "Yes, now go and do the same." (Luke 10:
36-37, NLT)
far as the teacher of law that asked the initial question here was
concerned, only fellow Jews were his neighbor. Anyone else was looked
upon with disdain. We have that same spirit infecting this country
too. The other side is presented only for the purpose of blame and
hatred. Those who find themselves on the extreme right look upon the
OWS crowd negatively because they are not their neighbors to them. It
is the Occupy, 99%, and Ferguson protesters who have become the 21st
century Samaritans. They also sneer at the protesters in Ferguson as
being just a mob of rioters and looters, when in fact only a small
percentage of all those engaged in the street protests engaged in
such illicit activities, as if they are all somehow unworthy of
mercy. They are somehow to blame not only for their own plight, but
supposedly for the plight of the country as a whole. God requires
something from us and He spelled it out very plainly in the Old
Testament: “No,
O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he
requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with your God. (Micah 6: 8, NLT)
world sells various shades of gray to hide the truth, spinning it and
disguising it as it goes. The truth is that if somehow anyone thinks
Jesus would support a system where over 40 million people are
homeless while the ultra rich clothe their dogs, then I suggest that
maybe they do not understand what "doing what is right"
truly means. If anyone thinks that Jesus would support a system where
16,000 children die every day from hunger while the world's top 1%
gets richer and fatter, then I am not so sure that they understand
the concepts of loving and being merciful. Not just being merciful –
really loving mercy and walking humbly with your God. I want you to
think the next time someone is trying to sell you on the notion that
the Ferguson, OWS and “the 99%” people are 2nd class
citizens. It makes me wonder what their motivation is for saying such
things. If anyone has the snooty opinion that the Ferguson, OWS and
99% folks are lazy troublemakers, then that becomes their problem. If
you have the political opinion that they should go home and find a
job, fine, but have any of you tried to find a job lately? Ask
someone who has been unable to find work for months or even years!
Brothers and sisters, those are nowhere near being Christian
arguments. They are most definitely not Biblical arguments – and
they are devoid of any compassion, any mercy, or any humility. What
will we do to help all these people? What would happen if you lost
your job tomorrow, or if a family member were to be killed by the
police? What have we done lately to help each other? Because in the
end, that's all that really counts.